Tacocat spelled backwards is, well … Tacocat! Yes my friends, it’s a palindrome. I’m sure you know what a palindrome but just in case it is not a word that you are familiar with, it means a word, number or phrase that reads the same forwards as it does backwards (racecar, madam, bib and Hannah are just some examples)!
But you didn’t come her for a language lesson, let’s get back to the game. Tacocat Spelled Backwards is NOT a game of wordplay or spelling, nor is about the American punk rock band (Tacocat), it’s actually a game of strategic duelling and battles, wit and a little bit of good old-fashioned luck. And it features the most adorable taco-shaped feline.
In the box:
- 38 Palindrome Cards
- Tacocat Token
- 7 Palindrome Tiles
- Gameboard (the box)
- Instructions
Tacocat Spelled Backwards is a creation from those wacky games designers at Exploding Kittens, with fantastic illustrations by The Oatmeal, and it carries the same zany energy and artistic flair as the original game.
The gameplay is simple yet engaging. Each player tries to lure the Tacocat to the goal space (Yay or Wow) side of the board through a series of card duels. The cards are numbered (1 to 12), and the aim is to play a card of equal or higher value than your opponent, all while trying to keep your lowest card safe. It’s a delicate dance of risk and reward, as you decide whether to sacrifice your high cards early or hold onto them for a strategic advantage.
Tacocat Spelled Backwards is a game where cards are used to play the game and the box is used as the progress board. The box is really cool as when you lift the lid it unfolds to create a longer playing board.
Setting the game up to play could not be easier (Exploding Kittens have a fun instructional video on their website here). Unfold the board and place it between the two players; one player at the YAY end and the other at the WOW end. In the spaces between the two ends are spaces that spell out TACOCAT and also have a number value (4, 9, 6, 7, 6, 9 and 4). Place the 7 Palindrome Tiles in a stack next to the board. Insert the Tacocat into its stand and place in the centre space on the board (O / 7). Shuffle the cards and deal 7 to each player (they can look at them, but they can’t let anyone see them). Place the remaining cards face down next to the board as the Draw Pile.
To play, it is all about DEFEND or SACRIFICE. The starting player needs to decide what they are going to do on each turn.
- DEFEND: place a card of equal or higher value from your hand face up in front of you.
- SACRIFICE: sacrifice the lowest card in your hand by placing it face up in front of you.
When you play a card, the opposing player must lay a card equal or higher to the card you have played or sacrifice a card by playing the lowest card in their hand. Play continues until both players have 1 card remaining in their hand. Now both players turn over their last card at the same time. The player with the lowest number wins that round. The winner of that round gets to move Tacocat one space closer to their goal space (YAY or WOW) on their side of the board. Play continues until a player moves Tacocat to their goal space.
When a player moves Tacocat from one space to another they cover the space they moved from with a tile as that space is now no longer part of the game. This is truly ingenious, it makes the game board shrink with each round, ramping up the tension as the playing field gets tighter. It’s like watching a suspenseful ping-pong match where the ball is a half-cat, half-taco creature that’s inexplicably charming.
Overall, Tacocat Spelled Backwards is an excellent tension-packed, strategic and fun game. It is also an excellent travel game as the box is the game board and is always ready to play. And with a playing time of around 15 minutes, it’s the ideal quick fix for your gaming itch.
A competitive game that is lots of fun and the illustrations on the cards are fantastic (my favourite is card no. 8 which says “TOO HOT TO HOOT” and features an owl collapsed on the desert floor as it is too hot to do anything, or maybe it’s just because Mr Owl ate my metal worm).
Tacocat Spelled Backwards, is a great easy to play game that everybody can play together. It will bring smiles, laughter and a competitive edge to your tabletop friends and family game nights.
If you like cats, tacos and fun games then you can’t go wrong with Tacocat Spelled Backwards. And for those that don’t like cats or tacos, it is still just as much fun! And just for fun, did you spot how many palindromes I used in this review? If you did, wow, you earn the top spot!
Rating: 5/5
RRP: £14.99
For more information, visit www.explodingkittens.com. Available to buy from Amazon here.