Crosswords and word building games have long been a favourite pastime for people of all ages. These games offer a unique blend of fun and education, making them an excellent choice for family game nights and social gatherings. Playing word building games can enhance vocabulary, improve spelling, and boost cognitive skills. They also encourage strategic thinking and creativity, making them a valuable tool for mental exercise. The best known word building game has to be Scrabble, it has been around since 1948!
Scrabble comes in several variations – including Scrabble Cards, a card-based version, but for this review we have been playing the classic version which also features a second game, Scrabble Together.
Classic Scrabble is a timeless board game that has been enjoyed by millions since its creation, a staple of many game nights around the world. A word building game that involves forming words on a game board using letter tiles, with each letter carrying different points values. The objective is to score the highest points by strategically placing words on the board, taking advantage of premium squares that multiply the score, doubling or tripling the letter / word score.
Scrabble is a board game for 2-4 players age 10+. This version features a double-sided game board and the reverse side of the board features another Scrabble game, Scrabble Together.
In the box:
- Double-sided game board
- 100 Letter Tiles
- 56 Cards
- 4 Letter Racks
- Tile Bag
- Rules
Let’s start with the classic Scrabble we all know and love. Classic Scrabble is a strategic word building game that has stood the test of time and still remains a beloved board game for game nights. It is a game with lots of educational value being a fantastic tool for helping to improve vocabulary, spelling and language skills. Players are constantly challenged to think of new words and learn their meanings. Being a strategic game it encourages players to think about words, scores and where to place them on the board to maximise use of the double-letter and triple-word scores. And then there is the social aspect; it is excellent for encouraging social interaction and fostering friendly competition, making it a great choice for family and friends.

Playing is easy, thinking and creating good quality, high-scoring words can be harder. Place the game board, Scrabble side up, in the middle of the table. Put all the tiles in the bag. To start, each player takes one tile from the bag – the player with the letter closest to the letter A is the starting player. Return the tiles to the bag, give the bag a shake and then each player takes 7 tiles each from the bag, placing them on their racks. Grab a pen and paper to keep score and start word building.
The starting player must lay down, horizontally or vertically, a word consisting of two or more letters – one of the letters must cover the star in the centre of the board. All the tiles will have a number in the lower right corner, add the numbers of the word together to get your score, taking note of any of any premium squares (double letter, triple word etc.). Then take new tiles from the bag so that you have seven tiles on your rack. Play moves on to the next player and they add their word or extend words already on the board. New words must make use of at least one letter on the board and if the new word touches adjacent letters they must form new words crossword fashion.
On your turn if you cant make any new words you can exchange some or all of your tiles from the bag, this counts as your turn. You can also choose to pass on your turn (if all players pass twice in a row the game ends).
Play continues until all the tiles in the bag have been taken and one player has used all the tiles on their rack, all possible plays have been made or all players have passed twice in a row.
The winner is the player with the highest score. If a players uses all seven of their tiles in a single turn they receive a bonus of 50 points added to the total of the word they played.

Scrabble Together is a different kind of word building game. The object is to work as a team to complete 20 goal cards. It is a cooperative game where players work together to complete the goals while learning the basics of playing Scrabble at the same time.
To play Scrabble Together, place the board in the centre of the table, Scrabble Together side up – it has a different layout than the classic board. Place the 6 Helper cards face up beside the board. Shuffle the 50 Goal cards and deal out 20 cards and place them in a draw pile next to the board. Flip over the top three Goal cards, these are the current goals. Each player draws seven tiles from the bag and places them on their rack. Look at the current goals and decide who goes first.
Examples of Goals to complete:
- Play a vertical word
- Play a word containing two or more of the same letter
- Play a word that covers a premium (colour) square and contains a tile worth at least 3 points
Players make words to complete the goals on the cards until all 20 goals have been completed and everybody wins together. If the goals can’t be completed, no one wins and you can try again.
To help out along the way there are 6 helper cards, think of them as power ups; trade tiles, refresh goals, make a blank, exchange tiles, extra tile and complete a goal. Once a card is used it then becomes unavailable for the rest of the game.
Overall, both Scabble games are excellent. Both games are word building games and can be very educational. Not only do they help with spelling but you get to learn new words and their meanings from words other players use, increasing your own vocabulary. Classic Scrabble is also a very strategic and tactical game trying to get your letters onto the premium squares to get the maximum points that you can.
Scrabble Together is a non-competitive cooperative game that is perfect for beginners or as a team game. It has has been designed to make the experience more accessible and engaging for players of all skill levels. Players work together to achieve a common goal, rather than competing against each other. It is also great for encouraging communication skills and teamwork.
Classic Scrabble can be a time consuming game and can get quite competitive, but is lots of fun. As each game is always going to be different, Scabble has plenty or re-play value which is why it has stood the test of time and is still a favourite in many households.
Scrabble Together is a much faster and user-friendly game and everyone wins or loses together, promoting more inclusive game play. Plus it help learn to play classic Scrabble as each Goal card has Scrabble tips on them which apply to both versions of the game.
Both Classic Scrabble and Scrabble Together offer unique and enjoyable experiences for word building game enthusiasts. Classic Scrabble remains a timeless favourite, known for its strategic gameplay and educational benefits. Scrabble Together, on the other hand, introduces a fresh and inclusive approach, making it accessible to a wider audience.
I like the double-sided game board and the two ways to play. While I prefer the classic version, the Together version is perfect when you have players whose vocabulary isn’t as advanced as other players or who can’t cope with losing or get frustrated easily.
Whatever version of Scrabble you enjoy, this two game version is a must have for any board game cupboard or shelf. Whichever version you play, they are both fantastic fun.
Rating: 5/5
RRP: £21.99
Available to buy from Amazon here.