Board games have been uniting families for decades, providing fun and laughter, friendly competition, squabbles, and the occasional flipped table. Enter Kids Against Maturity, a party game that is suitable for children and adults, that promises to fill your home with laughter and possibly a few blushes. It’s like that one relative we all have; a bit inappropriate, but undeniably entertaining.
Kids Against Maturity is a party card game for 4 or more players that involves plenty of toilet humour, something that should appeal to kids and fun-loving adults alike. If you have heard of Cards Against Humanity, this is the less risqué version (supposedly), suitable for families and children aged 10+.
In the box:
- 600 question and answer cards (200 blue question cards and 400 answer cards)
- Instructions
This isn’t a game where the most knowledge will see you victorious, this is a game purely designed to have fun – and childish fun at that, all centred around toilet humour and innuendo.
The game is simple: players draw cards and fill in the blanks with responses from their answer cards that range from the absurd to the “did they really just say that?” It’s the kind of humour that has kids giggling at the mention of “Olaf’s snowballs” and adults chuckling at “Grandpa’s Gassers.” It’s a delicate balance of family-friendly and eyebrow-raising content that somehow works.
With over 600 cards, Kids Against Maturity boasts about 40,000 possible question and answer combinations, ensuring that the hilarity doesn’t wear thin after a few rounds. The game is recommended for children aged 10 and up, but let’s be honest, the real age limit is determined by how much toilet humour your family can handle before grandma starts fanning herself with the rulebook.
Game play is simple. Each player is given 10 white answer cards. Before play starts, decide between yourselves how many points/cards are needed to win the game (recommended is 5 and this should take probably 30-60 minutes to play with 4 players). The game gets off to a humorous flying start as the person with the hairiest knuckles starts first by being the reader. They take a blue question card from the deck and read it aloud. For example, the question card could read “Teenage Mutant Ninja _______________”, and then players could lay down their funniest answer card giving responses such as “Olaf’s snowballs”, “Grandpa’s Gassers” or even “Jar of Egg Farts”. The reader then picks what they think is the funniest answer and the person that played that card wins that round and that card. Play then continues around the table. Every time an answer card is played you must replace it with a new card from the deck so that you always have 10 white cards in your hand. The winner of the overall game is the first person to reach the pre-determined number of funniest cards at the end of the game. And what is the prize for winning the game? The winner receives an Atomic Wedgie from the player with the least funniest cards.
The beauty of Kids Against Maturity lies in its simplicity. It’s a game where being the worst is the best, and the only skill required is a sense of humour and the ability to read.
Overall, this can be quite an hilarious game depending on who you are playing with and their level of understanding around toilet humour jokes, and innuendos. It’s a game that’s as unpredictable as a toddler with a marker, and just as much fun. So, gather the family, leave maturity at the door, and let the games begin!
It is a great game packed with laughter for a very inappropriate fun family game night that has its moments and some hilarious answers. But it does have some issues as being based around American culture and phrases – some of the answers just don’t hit home with the kids and adults (having to look up someone’s name to make the joke work just takes away any humour in the joke). With some of the answers, a few parents might find some responses inappropriate depending on the age, maturity and level of understanding or naivety of the children playing – how do you explain what a “turd burglar” (there are two meanings) is to a 10 year old? Whilst it might be funny for some, others will find it offensive. You can go through the cards before playing to remove anything you might deem inappropriate but that takes time to go through 600 cards and will spoil the enjoyment. A majority of the cards will be innocent and inoffensive toilet humour that players will wet themselves with laughter (hopefully not literally) especially when the answer is in perfect context with the question.
When everybody understands the joke it can be a hilarious game to play. And some of the Americanisms may even suit a YouTube generation. While it is aimed at players 10+, I would say this game would be more suited to age 13+, purely just because some of the more risky phrases and answers might not be understood by 10 year old (and some adults for that matter). This is a “Marmite” game – you will either love it or hate it. It is definitely a game where a sense of humour is a must, and a childish one at that.
Kids Against Maturity is an hilarious party game for the right players, it won’t work for everyone. With 600 cards giving around 40,000 question and answer combinations it has plenty of playability and replay value, and expansion packs are available to expand it further.
Rating: 4/5
RRP: £19.99
For more information, visit Available to buy from Amazon here.